Decrease of value added in forestry
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
skogregn, Aggregate account of forestry (discontinued), forestry products, forestry services, gross product, operating profitForestry , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Aggregate account of forestry (discontinued)2009



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Decrease of value added in forestry

In 2009, the value added in forestry is estimated at NOK 3.6 billion; a decrease of 21 per cent from 2008.

Forest products delivered during the year. 2009.

In 2009, the forestry industry delivered forest products and services amounting to NOK 5.0 billion. Timber for sale is the largest item in the forest account, and decline in value added was mainly caused by a decline in timber logging. Lower timber prices as a consequence of the international financial crisis was the main reason for the low logging activity. The aggregated gross value of industrial roundwood totalled NOK 2.0 billion; a decrease of NOK 900 million from 2008.

Decline in services

Reduced logging also led to lower activity for those who supply goods and services to the forestry industry. Forestry purchased goods and services from forestry-related service industries for a total of NOK 890 million in 2009, which is NOK 100 million less than the year before. Services delivered by forest contractors amounted to NOK 800 million.

Hunting value exceeded NOK 500 million

The meat value of felled game defined as part of forestry is estimated at about NOK 500 million, of which the meat value of moose is estimated at NOK 300 million.

The value added

The value added is defined as output less intermediate consumption. See About the statistics for a further description.

The aggregate account of forestry is based on the principles applied in the national accounts. Nevertheless, there are still some minor discrepancies from the value added for primary forestry in the national accounts.
