Revisions in final expenditure and GDP. 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2018. Billion kroner

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Revisions in final expenditure and GDP. 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2018. Billion kroner
  2011 2013 2015 2017 2018*
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISH 231 -12 545 -107 630
Final consumption expenditure of general government -2 952 -4 014 -6 262 -6 312 -5 013
Gross fixed capital formation 106 104 114 -15 167 -1 740
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies -457 -1 907 -4 655 1 396 -9 083
Export 0 91 0 371 11 982
Import 0 -1 387 -3 310 -10 799 -1 486
Gross domestic product -3 072 -4 351 -6 948 -9 057 -4 752
Gross domestic product mainland-Norway -3 072 -4 351 -6 948 -6 077 -178
