Statistical analyses 017
Natural resources and the environment 1997
- Publications archive
- Natural resources and the environment

Natural Resources and the Environment 1997 consists of three main parts. Part I contains updated resource accounts for energy and the latest official figures for emissions to air. These are followed by articles and updated statistics on transport, waste management, waste water treatment, agriculture, forests and forest damage, and fishing, sealing and whaling. Part II presents results from Statistics Norway's research into resource and environmental economics. The main emphasis is on analyses of the environment and economic growth, management of the environment and natural resources and international analyses. Part Ill provides more detailed statistics in the form of tables.
About the publication
- Title
Natural resources and the environment 1997
- Series and number
Statistical analyses 017
- Publisher
Statistisk sentralbyrå
- Topic
Environmental accounts
- ISBN (printed)
- Number of pages
- Language
- About Statistical analyses
In this series, Statistics Norway publishes analyses of social, demographic and economic statistics, aimed at a wider circle of readers. These publications can be read without any special knowledge of statistics and statistical methods.
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