Statistical analyses 058
Natural resources and the environment 2002
- Publications archive
- Natural resources and the environment

The greenhouse gas emissions have never been higher
The Norwegian emissions of greenhouse gases increased by 2 per cent from year 2000 to 2001, and have now reached the highest level ever recorded. The amounts of waste continue to increase, and for each Norwegian close to 2 tonnes of waste are generated each year. The discharges to water from the petroleum activities have increased significantly since the mid 1990's, but last year's change was modest. The pressure on the Norwegian nature from acidifying substances is decreasing. The discharges of the plant nutrients phosphorus and nitrogen to sensitive coastal areas have been reduced, but the nitrogen inputs still have to be reduced substantially to reach the reduction target. (11.04)
About the publication
- Title
Natural resources and the environment 2002. Norway
- Authors
Frode Brunvoll, Henning Høie
- Series and number
Statistical analyses 058
- Publisher
Statistisk sentralbyrå
- Cover design
Siri Boquist
- Topic
Environmental accounts
- ISBN (online)
- ISBN (printed)
- Number of pages
- Language
- About Statistical analyses
In this series, Statistics Norway publishes analyses of social, demographic and economic statistics, aimed at a wider circle of readers. These publications can be read without any special knowledge of statistics and statistical methods.
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