Statistical analyses 070
Natural resources and the environment 2004
- Publications archive
- Natural resources and the environment

Positive trends - with important exceptions
Economic growth and increasing consumption are often considered the main causes of adverse environmental development. The Norwegian economy has grown considerably in the last decade, but there are still several positive aspects concerning the state of the environment: Discharges of plant nutrients to the North Sea have been reduced, the deposition of acidifying substances is lower and waste treatment and disposal methods have been improved. On the other hand, emissions of greenhouse gases have increased, as well as discharges of oil from petroleum activities.
About the publication
- Title
Natural resources and the environment 2004. Norway
- Series and number
Statistical analyses 070
- Publisher
Statistics Norway
- Topic
Environmental accounts
- ISBN (online)
- ISBN (printed)
- Number of pages
- Language
- About Statistical analyses
In this series, Statistics Norway publishes analyses of social, demographic and economic statistics, aimed at a wider circle of readers. These publications can be read without any special knowledge of statistics and statistical methods.
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