Statistical analyses 112
The Economy of the North 2008
The objective of The Economy of the North 2008 is to present a comprehensive overview of the economy of the circumpolar Arctic, including the traditional production activities of the indigenous people.
The objective of The Economy of the North 2008 is to present a comprehensive overview of the economy of the circumpolar Arctic, including the traditional production activities of the indigenous people. The report discusses the importance of the Arctic economy from a global perspective, with particular focus on the natural resources in the Arctic region.
About the publication
- Title
The Economy of the North 2008
- Authors
Solveig Glomsrød, Iulie Aslaksen
- Series and number
Statistical analyses 112
- Publisher
Statistics Norway
- Cover design
Siri Boquist
- Topic
Environmental accounts
- ISBN (online)
- ISBN (printed)
- Number of pages
- Language
- About Statistical analyses
In this series, Statistics Norway publishes analyses of social, demographic and economic statistics, aimed at a wider circle of readers. These publications can be read without any special knowledge of statistics and statistical methods.
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