Updated figures for municipalities
Nature and the environment;Svalbard
arealdekke, Area of land and fresh water, land cover, land area, area of fresh water, height above sea levelArea , Nature and the environment, Nature and the environment, Svalbard

Area of land and fresh water1 January 2009



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Updated figures for municipalities

Figures for municipalities and basic regional statistical units are updated as of 1 January 2009. The only changes since last year are 12 new basic statistical units in 1663 Malvik municipality.

Due to differences in area calculations for municipality figures and basic units, and differences in sources, there are some discrepancies. The figures will be based on the same source from next year onwards.

How to get figures from StatBank

If you want to get the figures for each single basic unit, or all the basic units, this has to be done in several steps. After choosing the right table, you should select the tab called “Select via groups”, then select the option “Region” in the scroll menu called “Select variable”, and choose one of the groups in the scroll menu below. Push the button “Select as single values” after choosing the required basic units. You can now go back to the tab called “My table” and proceed as usual.

Figures for population by basic units are found in the StatBank table: 04317: Population, by basic statistical units (BU) (1999-2008)

See also: National Mapping Authority: http://www.statkart.no