Nature and the environment;Construction, housing and property
avfbygganl, Waste from building and construction, trade waste, waste treatment, recovery, incineration, landfill, construction, rehabilitation, demolitionConstruction , Waste , Construction, housing and property, Nature and the environment

Waste from building and construction



Next update

Key figures


million tonnes waste from construction activity

Generated waste amounts from construction, rehabilitation and demolition of buildings. Tonnes. Main groups.
TonnesPartChange in per cent
2018 - 2019
Corrected 31 March 2021.
Total, construction activity1 948 641100.05.6
Construction657 70633.81.1
Rehabilitation494 68125.49.7
Demolition796 25440.97.0

See selected tables from this statistics

Table 1 
Generated waste amounts from construction, rehabilitation and demolition of buildings. Tonnes.

Generated waste amounts from construction, rehabilitation and demolition of buildings. Tonnes.
Total, construction activityConstructionRehabilitationDemolition
Corrected 31 March 2021.
20171 896 557658 339479 402758 816
20181 845 161650 511450 789743 862
20191 948 641657 706494 681796 254
Wood waste253 629112 89685 30155 431
Paper and cardboard21 92914 2816 0651 583
Plastics11 1106 9733 368768
Glass10 6283 8225 3191 487
Metals104 35924 62432 56747 168
Gypsum77 76347 28824 2906 185
EE-waste9 1531 4443 8603 849
Hazardous waste48 8985 00125 82318 074
Hazardous waste. Asbestos8 63403 2855 349
Hazardous waste. Impregnated wood15 860010 6265 234
Hazardous waste. Other11 2861 5936 7792 915
Bricks and concrete and other heavy building materials749 205117 073165 609466 523
Polluted bricks and concrete167 10110 18134 544122 376
Asphalt198 247188 2626 9703 015
Mixed waste274 471116 53492 16565 772
Other waste22 1489 3278 7984 023

Table 2 
Treatment of waste from construction, rehabilitation and demolition of buildings. Tonnes.

Treatment of waste from construction, rehabilitation and demolition of buildings. Tonnes.
Treatment, totalSent to recyclingCompostingBiogas productionEnergy recoveryLandfillOther or unspecified
Material, total1 948 641899 67000467 571521 77559 625
Wood253 630600253 5492352
Paper and cardboard21 92920 396001 1480385
Plastics11 1105 67100455 3940
Glass10 6286 4330004 1950
Metals104 359104 35900000
Gypsum77 76335 31400042 4500
EE-waste9 1537 278001 1500725
Bricks and concrete and other heavy building materials749 205504 754000197 45446 997
Polluted bricks and concrete167 1010000167 1010
Other waste22 1485 4810018416 4840
Mixed waste274 4701 39400199 62373 4540
Asphalt198 247198 24700000
Hazardous waste48 89810 3380011 87315 22211 466

About the statistics

The purpose of the statistics is to provide annual, national figures for waste from construction activities, material distribution and waste treatment. The composition of the waste depends on the materials used in buildings, and much of the waste is concrete, brick and wood. The statistics are used directly in the waste accounts for Norway, and for international reporting (EU).

Administrative information

Name and topic

Name: Waste from building and construction
Topic: Nature and the environment

Next release

Responsible division

Division for Energy, Environmental and Transport Statistics

Regional level

Whole Country

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting

The statistics contributes to complete the waste accounts of Norway, which provides basis for reporting to Eurostat in accordance with Forordningen for avfallsstatistikk (EC 2150/2002) .


Raw data from respondents and the basis for calculation of factors stored on Linux. Calculations are stored in Excel and SAS programs.


Background and purpose

The purpose of statistics is to provide annual , national figures for waste from construction activities , material distribution and waste treatment . The statistics also helps to complete waste accounts for Norway .

The survey of waste from construction activities was initiated as a pilot project in 1998. In 1999 started the project "Establishment of statistics of construction waste" as documented in the report Bygg- og anleggsavfall (in Norwegian only).

Construction activities annually produces large amounts of waste. The quantities in question are dependent on buisness prospects. In addition to new construction, renovation and demolition also generates waste. The composition of the waste depend on the materials used in buildings, and much of the waste is concrete, brick and wood.

Users and applications

The statistics are used directly in the waste accounts , and for international reporting (EU). The statistics are used for assessment of waste measures taken by the Environmental agencies and when making waste management plans in municipalities. In addition, the statistics of the manufacturing industries, the waste industry, media and the public.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

Not relevant

Legal authority

Not relevant

EEA reference

Not relevant