Waste accounts2014


All releases for Waste accounts - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
25 May 2016 2014 Small increase in Norway’s waste
16 June 2015 2013 More waste – more sources
27 June 2014 2012 More waste, less recovery
14 February 2013 2011 More waste is recovered
14 December 2011 1995-2010 Major changes in landfilled waste
27 October 2010 1995-2007 Reduced amounts for the first time in 2009
15 July 2002 1993-2000 8.5 million tonnes of waste
22 September 2003 1993-2002 Slight increase in waste amounts
3 March 2006 1995-2003 17 per cent more waste in 10 years
20 January 2005 1995-2004 Waste amounts increasing steadily
22 December 2006 1995-2004 Nearly ten million tonnes of waste in 2005
23 October 2007 1995-2005 Continued waste growth in 2006
24 October 2008 1995-2006 Rising volumes of waste in 2007
30 October 2009 1995-2007 Reduced growth in waste amounts for 2008

For previous releases also see: Waste accounts for textiles, Waste accounts for glass, Waste accounts for metals, Packaging waste, Waste accounts for paper, Waste accounts for wet organic waste, Waste accounts for sludge, Waste accounts for plastic, Waste accounts for wood and Waste accounts for concrete and brick.