Lower emissions from municipalities with high industrial activity
Nature and the environment;Svalbard
klimagassr, Emissions to air, by municipality, air pollution, greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O), acidifying gases (for example NOX, SO2, NH3), particulate matter, emissions by source (for example oil and gas production, manufacturing, road traffic)Pollution and climate, Nature and the environment, Nature and the environment, Svalbard

Emissions to air, by municipality1991-2008



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Lower emissions from municipalities with high industrial activity

Greenhouse gas emissions from continental Norway were somewhat lower in 2008 than the previous year. Most of the reduction took place in a few municipalities with industrial activity. In spite of reductions, emissions in 2008 were 15 per cent higher than in 1991.

Municipal emissions of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) were approximately 36.3 million tonnes CO2 equivalents in 2008. This is 4.9 million tonnes (15 per cent) more than in 1991. The growth in the greenhouse gas emissions has taken place in most municipalities and for most sources, such as road traffic, industry, oil and gas activity onshore and use of solvents. However, emissions from waste handling and heating (except manufacturing industry) have been reduced from 1991 to 2008.

Detailed emission figures for each municipality can be downloaded from the Statbank .

Greenhouse gas emissions to air in the municipalities, by source. 1991 and 2008*. Million tonnes CO2 equivalents

New technology gave lower emissions of nitrous oxide

Greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing industry were reduced by almost 600 000 tonnes CO2 equivalents from 2007 to 2008. Most of this reduction took place in the four municipalities Porsgrunn, Tysvær, Lindås and Meløy. Investments in catalysers, which reduces emissions of nitrous oxide from the production of mineral fertilizer, caused the reductions in Porsgrunn and Tysvær. In the two other municipalities, the reductions were due to reduced production activity.

In Hammerfest, the emissions decreased dramatically in 2008. In 2007, the natural gas liquefaction plant in the municipality had very high emissions due to initialisation problems. In 2008, the plant started ordinary activities, and emissions were reduced.

Road traffic still the most dominant source of NOX emissions

NOX emissions in the municipalities were almost 36 000 tonnes (30 per cent) lower in 2007 than in 1991. This was mainly due to reduced emissions from road traffic. Emissions have been steadily decreasing since 1991, when strict exhaust emission regulations were introduced for petrol vehicles. In spite of this, road traffic is still the most important source of NOX emissions in the municipalities. In 2007, this source was responsible for 39 per cent of NOX emissions. Other important sources are other mobile combustion (33 per cent), for example production machinery, and industry and mining (22 per cent).

Emissions to air of NOX in the municipalities, by source. 2007. Tonnes
