Nature and the environment;Construction, housing and property
Statistics on building activity, exemptions and accessible coastal zone. In 2013 the shrinking of publicly accessible shoreline continues, but to a lesser degree than in previous years.

Construction in the coastal zone2012-2013


Applications for new buildings along the shore zone outside urban areas. Number approved and rejected,12
 No. of applications processed3No. of applications consistent with plans approvedNo. of applications that include exemptions approvedNo. of applications that include exemption rejectedApplications that include exemptions, percentage approved
1For the years 2001 and 2002 all projekcts are included, from 2003, the statistics comprise only new buildings.
2In the years 2001-2004, the statistics comprise only applications that include exemptions.
3No. of cases processed comprise only reporting municipalities in 2001-2003. On average, about 80 per cent of municipalities have reported. From 2004, the figure comprises the whole country.
2001....1 09654067
2002....1 08348769
20053 5121 9301 13444872
20062 4691 30680835470
20072 8541 65876742964
20082 9411 72981240067
20092 8651 50390046266
20103 0531 5411 12239074
20112 6391 2941 04530078
20122 1818971 10118386
20132 05890195720083