NOX emissions higher than expected
Nature and the environment
svoveln, Emissions of sulphur dioxide, air pollution, SO2 (sulphur dioxide)Pollution and climate, Nature and the environment

Emissions of sulphur dioxide1990-2000, final figures



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NOX emissions higher than expected

An improvement of the method for calculating emissions of NOX in Norway shows that the emission level is higher than we earlier thought. We are therefore further from the obligations in the Gothenburg Protocol than expected. The emissions must be reduced by 30 per cent within 2010.

The new figures show that the emissions are reduced by only 1 per cent from 1990 to 2000. From 1999 to 2000 the emissions were reduced by 7 per cent. This is mostly due to reductions from national sea traffic and road traffic. The figures are the results of new calculations from Statistics Norway and the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority.

An improvement of the method for calculations of emissions to air from combustion of natural gas in turbines offshore has revealed that the NOX emissions from this source were 7 000 tonnes higher in 2000 than previously calculated. There have also been improvements for other parts of the calculations and the combined effect of all these improvements is a rise in the emission figure by 6 000 tonnes compared to last year's calculations.

Ships accounted for nearly 40 per cent of the emissions in 2000. Road traffic and the oil and gas sector both account for about 20 per cent. The rest of the emissions are mostly from manufacturing industry.

Emission ceilings according to the Gothenburg Protocol. Status 2000.
Tonnes (per cent)
Component 2000-2010 Emissions 1990 Emissions 2000 Target 2010           Necessary reduction
NOX 226 000 223 000 156 000 67 000tons (30percent)
SO2 53 000 26 000 22 000 4 000tons (16percent)
NMVOC 300 000 363 000 195 000 168 000tons (46percent)
NH3 23 000 25 000 23 000 2 000tons (9percent)

In the Gothenburg Protocol, Norway has agreed that emissions of NOX not shall exceed a certain ceiling in 2010. Norway has to reduce its NOX emissions by 30 per cent compared to the 2000 level to meet this obligation. According to the Sofia Protocol, Norway is committed to stabilize the emissions on the 1987 level from 1994. In 2000 the emissions were 5 per cent below the 1987 level.

Other emissions

New figures for greenhouse gases and dioxins are also published. These figures are described in separate articles.