Property management expenditure remains steady


The net operating expenditure of the municipal properties has remained stable over the last 3 years and constituted about 8.5 per cent of the municipalities’ total net gross expenditure. The county authorities’ net operating expenditure constituted about 5.3 per cent of its total net expenditure.

Net operating expenses for the municipalities’ property space was just over NOK 23 billion in 2014, whiles the county authorities’ net operating expenses totalled about NOK 4.7 billion.

Figure 1

Figur 2. Korrigerte brutto driftsutgifter til forvaltning, drift og vedlikehold i fylkeskommunal eiendomsforvaltning

The municipalities’ buildings occupied about 24.8 million square metres, while the county authorities’ buildings occupied about 4.7 million square metres. The total rented space constituted about 2 million square metres. The local government, which consists of municipalities, county authorities and their companies, owned and managed about 93.2 per cent of the local government buildings.

New indicators for the cleaning activities

In 2013, wages for maintenance were introduced in the annual reports for the local government (KOSTRA). These new indicators were published in the property management fact sheets in 2014. Expenses for the cleaning activities in the municipalities were NOK 2.8 million in 2013 compared to NOK 3.2 million in 2014. The expenditure per square metre was NOK 122 in 2013, and increased to NOK 140 in 2014. The county authorities’ cleaning expenses in 2014 were NOK 469 million, and the cleaning cost per square metre was NOK 108.

Energy expenditure fluctuates

The energy expenditure for the municipalities decreased from NOK 2.7 billion in 2013 to NOK 2.5 in 2014, while the county authorities’ energy expenses decreased from NOK 432 billion in 2013 to NOK 389 in 2014. This reduction is as a result of the reduction in energy prices and a reduction in the use of energy.

Figure 2

Figur 2. Korrigerte brutto driftsutgifter til forvaltning, drift og vedlikehold i fylkeskommunal eiendomsforvaltning

School buildings have the largest gross area

Of the six municipality buildings that have reported their gross area, the schools occupied more square metres. In 2014, the municipality school buildings occupied 11.4 million square metres, equivalent to 19.1 square metres per pupil. The nursing and care institutional buildings comprised of 5.3 million square metres and accounted for the second largest occupied area. The municipalities also had 2.2 million square metres in administration buildings, and kindergartens accounted for 1.8 million square metres.

Figure 3

Figur 3. Brutto areal på utvalgte kommunale formålsbygg. Prosent av bruttoareal til kommunale formålsbygg samlet. 2014

The county authorities occupied 4.4 million square metres in school buildings, which corresponded to 24.4 square metres per student attending upper secondary schools. The administration buildings of the county authorities had approximately 245 000 square metres.

For more detailed data on property management for municipalities and county authorities refer to the KOSTRA fact sheets.

What do the statistics cover?

The gross area mentioned in the article does not comprise of all the total buildings in the local sector. The statistics comprise of the following buildings; administrational buildings, kindergartens, school buildings, institutional buildings for health care services, sports and cultural centres.

Method for estimating national key figures

Due to the fact that not all municipalities have reported their gross area, the total figures for all the municipalities are therefore based on estimations.

The estimated key figures are estimated based on figures from municipalities that have reported data to KOSTRA (Municipality-State-Reporting). The method is based on the assumption that there is a correlation between the variables in the key figures and the number of inhabitants in each municipality. The municipalities are divided into groups according to similarity and this is applied in the model. Next, variables for municipalities that have not reported data to KOSTRA are estimated.

