Considerable local government deficit
Public sector
komminnut, Local government, revenue and expenditure by type, municipal accounts, municipal economy, municipal finances, net financial investmentsLocal government finances , Public sector

Local government, revenue and expenditure by type2002



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Considerable local government deficit

Local government had a considerable deficit before financial transactions in 2002, shows preliminary figures. If we exclude earmarked grants connected to hospital-debt, the deficit before financial transactions amounted to NOK 9.2 billion.

The local government surplus or net lending - a major indicator in assessing the health of local government finances - was approximately NOK 12.4 billion in 2002. But if we exclude earmarked grants connected with hospital-debt, preliminary figures indicate a deficit of approximately NOK 9.2 billion in 2002.

Less revenues and expenditures

The fact that central authorities took over the responsibility for all hospitals reduced both revenues and expenditures in 2002.Preliminary figures indicate that revenues decreased by 6.5 per cent, while total expenditure decreased by 14.8 per cent compared with 2001.The decrease in total local government revenues is mainly caused by lower tax revenues. Tax revenues amounted to NOK 90.8 billion in 2002, a decrease of 15.7 per cent compared with 2001. The reduction is as result of lower tax rate to county municipalities.

The decrease in total local government expenditure is mainly caused by a reduction in wages and salaries. Wages and salaries amounted to NOK 124.8 billion, a decrease of 14.1 per cent. Intermediate consumption showed a decrease of 17 per cent compared with 2001. The reduction in both wages and salaries and intermediate consumption may be explained by the fact that central authorities have taken over the responsibility for all hospitals.

Local government. Revenue and expenditure by type. 2001-2002. Million kroner.
Preliminary figures
            2000           2001*           2002* Change 00/01* Change 01*/02*
A. CURRENT REVENUE  201 745  221 491  207 090 9.8 -6.5
1. Property income, interest 8 058 9 491 9 500 17.8 0.1
2. Tax revenue 93 634  107 759 90 800 15.1 -15.7
3. Other current transfers 96 628  100 619  102 318 4.1 1.7
Transfers between government sectors 93 877 98 102 99 700 4.5 1.6
Other transfers 2 751 2 517 2 618 -8.5 4.0
4. Operating surplus1 3 425 3 622 4 472 5.8 23.5
C. TOTAL REVENUE (=A)  201 745  221 491  207 090 9.8 -6.5
D. CURRENT EXPENDITURE  199 036  221 804  191 282 11.4 -13.8
1. Property expenditure, interest 6 559 8 170 7 500 24.6 -8.2
2. Transfers to the private sector 21 492 24 586 22 971 14.4 -6.6
3. Other current transfers 2 093 2 324 1 600 11.0 -31.2
Transfers between government sectors 1 545 1 653 1 200 7.0 -27.4
Transfers to municipal enterprises  548  671  400 22.4 -40.4
4. Final consumption expenditure  168 892  186 724  159 211 10.6 -14.7
Wages and salaries  131 768  145 346  124 795 10.3 -14.1
Intermediate consumption 45 919 49 451 41 025 7.7 -17.0
Consumption of fixed capital 15 760 17 219 17 219 9.3 0.0
Social benefits in kind 3 864 4 160 4 200 7.7 1.0
Correction for operating surplus1 3 425 3 622 4 472 5.8 23.5
Administrative fees and charges (-) -31 844 -33 074 -32 500 3.9 -1.7
E. SAVING (A-D) 2 709 -313 15 808 -111.6 -5 150.5
F. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 8 213 6 588 3 362 -19.8 -49.0
1. Net fixed capital formation 8 470 6 901 4 142 -18.5 -40.0
Gross fixed capital formation 24 230 24 120 21 361 -0.5 -11.4
Consumption of fixed capital (-) -15 760 -17 219 -17 219 9.3 0.0
2. Net purchase of land -457 -515 -1 030 12.7  100.0
3. Capital transfers         200  202  250 1.0 23.8
G. TOTAL EXPENDITURE (D+F)  207 249  228 392  194 644 10.2 -14.8
H. NET LENDING/BORROWING (C-G) -5 504 -6 901 12 446 25.4 -280.4
2. Surplus before financial transactions -5 504 -6 901 12 446 25.4 -280.4
1  Operating surplus in municipal water supply, sewage disposal and refuse collection activities.