Public purchases exceed NOK 400 billion
Public sector
offinnkj, Public purchasing (discontinued), goods, services, general government, central government, local government, general government enterprisesGeneral government , Public sector

Public purchasing (discontinued)2012



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Public purchases exceed NOK 400 billion

Public purchases of goods and services amounted to about NOK 408 billion in 2012. This is an increase of about NOK 16 billion, or 3.9 per cent, compared to 2011. Public purchases amounted to some 14 per cent of the gross domestic product.

Public purchasing, NOK million
20121SharePer cent
2011 - 20122008 - 2012
1The figures for the latest year is provisional.
Total public purchases (A + B)408 469100.04.115.1
A. General government320 86178.63.217.6
Central government excluding defence affairs153 78137.66.418.1
Defence affairs and services21 0385.2-12.3-11.5
Local government146 04235.82.622.8
B. General government enterprices87 60821.47.36.8
Central government excluding oil4 0391.06.524.8
Oil sector80 06519.611.29.9
Local government enterprices3 5040.9-40.1-40.6

The general government public purchases increased by some NOK 10 billion, while the public unincorporated enterprises’ purchases increased by about NOK 6 billion compared to the previous year.

General government responsible for almost 80 per cent of purchases

The general government proportion of all public purchases was around 80 per cent of the total of public sector purchases for 2012. The purchases made by the central government were approximately NOK 175 billion during the year. The central government health enterprises, the universities and colleges, The Defence affairs and services, The Norwegian Public Roads Administration and The Norwegian Rail Administration were among the major contributors.

The purchases made by the local government in 2012 were about NOK 146 billion. This was an increase of about NOK 3.7 billion or 2.5 per cent from 2011.

Procurements in public unincorporated enterprises up 10 per cent

The purchases made by general government units amounted to some NOK 80 billion in 2012. This is NOK 8 billion, or 10 per cent more compared to the previous year. The purchases made by the local government enterprises were reduced by some NOK 2.3 billion to NOK 3.5 billion in 2012. One of the reasons for the reduction is the reclassification of some enterprises to managements.