This is an archived release.
Updated general government surplus
General government revenue and expenditure is now revised with updated data for 2015. The general government surplus is estimated at NOK 186 billion, which is NOK 6 billion more than the previously published surplus.
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | |
General government revenue | 1 580 595 | 1 664 677 | 1 662 578 | 1 691 864 | 1 682 753 |
General government expenditure | 1 205 122 | 1 254 127 | 1 331 246 | 1 416 584 | 1 496 789 |
Net lending/borrowing (-) | 375 474 | 410 551 | 331 332 | 275 280 | 185 964 |
Central government net lending/borrowing | 394 979 | 427 676 | 354 512 | 298 629 | 202 637 |
Local government net lending/borrowing | -19 505 | -17 126 | -23 180 | -23 349 | -16 673 |

The statistics have been updated based on new accounting information and tax estimates. In central government, there are only minor revisions, mainly due to new accounting information for universities, university colleges and other extra-budgetary units. The central government surplus is calculated at NOK 203 billion – approximately NOK 1 billion more than previously released data.
Decreased deficit in local government
In the local government sector the deficit for 2015 is revised down by NOK 4 billion, to NOK 17 billion, due to new accounting data from municipalities and county authorities. The revenue items taxes on goods and services, dividends and disposals of non-financial non-produced assets have all been adjusted upwards.
Surplus of NOK 51 billion in 1st quarter 2016
New quarterly revenue and expenditure statistics for general government show that the surplus amounted to NOK 51 billion in the first quarter of 2016. This is more than NOK 7 billion less than in 2015, broadly explained by decreased revenues from companies engaged in petroleum activities. Parts of the decrease in petroleum revenues are offset by increased dividends from government-owned corporations in other industries.
For more information on government revenue and expenditure, see the previous article.
This page has been discontinued, see General government revenue and expenditure, Quarterly.
Eivind Andreas Sirnæs Egge
tel.: (+47) 91 69 05 03
Frode Borgås
tel.: (+47) 40 90 26 52
Aina Johansen
tel.: (+47) 40 90 26 66