Slight increase in net financial assets
Public sector;Public sector
offogjeld, General government, financial assets and liabilities, central government, local government, stock, transactions, assets by type (for example bonds, shares, lending), net assets, liabilities by type (for example commercial papers, bonds, loans)Local government finances , General government , Central government finances , Public sector

General government, financial assets and liabilities2002



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Slight increase in net financial assets

Net financial assets in general government at the end of 2002 came to nearly NOK 1 104 billion, a small increase of 5.8 billion, or 0.5 per cent, from 2001. At the end of 2002, general governments total financial assets had increased by 8.2 per cent and amounted to NOK 1 934 billion, and total liabilities had increased by 20.3 per cent and amounted to NOK 831billion.

In addition, the net financial assets in the central government fiscal account including National Insurance Scheme decreased from 211.3 billion in 2001 to 192.4 billion in 2002.

In 2002 the net financial assets decreased by NOK 10.3 billion in other central government accounts, from 754 billion in 2001 to 744 billion in 2002.

General gross debt in per cent of GDP, Norway and EU

According to local government assets and liabilities, there was a financial improvement in 2002, with a decrease in net financial debt corresponding to NOK 23 billion - from NOK 35.4 billion in 2001 to NOK 12.2 billion in 2002.

Gross public debt

The Maastricht Treaty definition is usually used in international comparisons of gross public debt. The definition includes neither other account payable nor internal liabilities in general government. According to this delimitation, Norway's public debt is 35.5 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2002. Average for the 15 EU Member Countries at the end of 2002 was 59.2 per cent, according to figures from the OECD.

General government. Financial balance sheet. Nominal value.
NOK billion and change in per cent
             NOK billion Change in per cent
              2001             2002
A. Financial assets total 1 788.0 1 934.2 8.2
Cash and deposits  171.9  142.6 -17.0
Commercial papers and bonds  402.7  445.8 10.7
Other loans  500.5  615.3 22.9
Capital deposits and shares  512.2  512.3 0.0
Other financial assets  199.2  216.4 8.6
B. Liabilities, total  690.4  830.7 20.3
Commercial papers and Treasury bills 41.5 56.4 35.9
Bonds  161.5  152.5 -5.6
Other loans  383.4  499.3 30.2
Other liabilities  103.8  122.5 18.0
C. Net financial assets (A-B) 1 097.6 1 103.5 -1
General gross debt  446.0  543.8 21.9
Per cent of GDP 29.2 35.5 -1
1  Corrected 11.01.2006.