Tax revenues up 22 per cent
Public sector;Svalbard
skatteregn, Tax accounts, tax payments, tax distribution, type of tax, dutiesPublic sector, Tax accounts , Public sector, Svalbard

Tax accountsNovember 2001



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Tax revenues up 22 per cent

From January to November, distributed taxes amounted to nearly NOK 429 billion. This is an increase of 76 billion, or 21.6 per cent, compared with the same period last year. Taxes on the extraction of petroleum are the largest contributor to the growth in distributed taxes.

In the period from January to November, taxes on petroleum reached approximately NOK 102 billion. This is a large increase compared with the same period last year, when the contribution of petroleum taxes was NOK 53 billion.

Excluded petroleum taxes: 9 per cent increase

Total tax revenue, excluding taxes on the extraction of petroleum, shows an increase of 9 per cent compared with the same period last year. Excluding the petroleum taxes, the total tax revenue amounted to NOK 327 billion, compared with NOK 300 billion in the same period last year.

Total taxes paid to local government from January to November this year are amounted to NOK 103 billion. This is a rise of 14.9 per cent compared with the same period last year.

Each county has an increase in tax revenue compared with the same period last year.
