Tax revenues up 10.9 per cent
Public sector;Svalbard
skatteregn, Tax accounts, tax payments, tax distribution, type of tax, dutiesPublic sector, Tax accounts , Public sector, Svalbard

Tax accountsSeptember 2007



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Tax revenues up 10.9 per cent

In the period of January-September 2007, total distributed taxes amounted to NOK 461 billion. This is an increase of NOK 45 billion, or 10.9 per cent, compared with the corresponding period in 2006.

Paid and distributed taxes by county. Change in per cent, January to September, 2005-2006 and 2006-2007

Payments to the government from January to September 2007, excluding the petroleum sector and the payments to the National insurance scheme, amounted to NOK 221.3 billion. Of the total amount NOK 221.3 billion, NOK 128.3 billion was paid to central government, and NOK 93.0 billion was paid to the local governments.

From January to September 2007, total payments to National insurance scheme amounted to NOK 144.5 billion, an increase by 8.1 per cent compared with the corresponding period in 2006. In the corresponding period in 2006, total payments to the National insurance scheme amounted to NOK 133.6 billion.

The large increase in non-personal taxpaying arrangement is mainly due to new regulations. Tax payments for this group (excl. petroleum taxes) are now made twice a year, while the payment earlier was three times a year.
