Increase in petroleum tax revenues
Public sector;Svalbard
skatteregn, Tax accounts, tax payments, tax distribution, type of tax, dutiesPublic sector, Tax accounts , Public sector, Svalbard

Tax accountsJune 2012



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Increase in petroleum tax revenues

At the end of June, Norway had received NOK 447.6 billion in taxes. This represents an increase of 9.5 per cent, roughly NOK 38.8 billion. Approximately a quarter of the accumulated tax revenues come from taxation on extraction of petroleum. This amounts to NOK 109.4 billion.

Paid and distributed taxes by county. Change in per cent, January-June 2010 to 2011 and 2011 to 2012

So far this year, the tax payments from petroleum extraction have increased by 25.1 per cent compared to the same period in 2011. Both ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum and payments from special income tax on petroleum extraction experienced an increase compared to last year. These sums have increased with 25.2 per cent and 25.1 per cent respectively.

The greatest contributor to the tax revenues is the tax equalization contribution to central government, which amounted to NOK 126.1 billion at the end of June. This sum is almost evenly distributed between advance tax arrangement, and the non-personal taxpaying arrangement. Per June 2012, the accumulated sums amounted to NOK 66.1 and 60 billion respectively. The tax equalisation contribution to the central government experienced only a slight growth of 1.6 per cent compared to the same period last year. This is mainly because the non-personal taxpaying arrangement showed a decrease of 4.6 per cent compared to 2011, continuing a negative trend since last year. This is easily explained by the changes in the tax arrangement system in 2011.

Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme, ordinary taxes to municipalities, and member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme are quite significant sources of income as well. At the end of June, the payments amounted to NOK 69.1, 60.1 and 52.7 billion respectively, which gives the following increases of 6.5, 3.4 and 6.2 per cent, respectively.

Merging municipalities

The municipalities of Mosvik and Inderøy were merged as Inderøy. In table 3, the changes in per cent from last year will be based on the sum of the two municipalities last year.
