Large increase in petroleum taxes
Public sector;Svalbard
skatteregn, Tax accounts, tax payments, tax distribution, type of tax, dutiesPublic sector, Tax accounts , Public sector, Svalbard

Tax accountsApril 2013



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Large increase in petroleum taxes

By the end of April, a total of NOK 317.1 billion had been received in tax payments. This is 6.6 per cent, or NOK 19.6 billion, more than the corresponding period last year. Higher tax revenues from petroleum extraction explain the high April figures.

Tax accounts. Distributed taxes. NOK million and change in per cent.
Distributed taxes. Accumulated figures so far this yearChange in per cent compared to same period previous year
April 2012April 2013April 2012April 2013
Total297 505317 07610.26.6
Ordinary taxes to central government11 38111 11056.0-2.4
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum27 71331 39624.813.3
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum45 40652 73024.716.1
Tax equalization tax to central government90 56590 9682.50.4
Ordinary taxes to county authority (incl. Oslo)7 7178 2485.96.9
Ordinary taxes to municipalities36 18538 9922.07.8
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme31 62133 1918.05.0
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme46 33350 3786.78.7
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders58462152.8-89.4
Paid and distributed taxes by county authority. Change in per cent, January-April, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013

NOK 84.1 billion was received in petroleum taxes by the end of April. Almost a third, NOK 31.4 billion, was generated through ordinary taxes on petroleum extraction, while the remaining NOK 52.7 billion was paid through the special income tax on petroleum extraction. This represents an increase of 13.3 per cent and 16.1 per cent respectively. In total, the tax payments from petroleum extraction rose by 15.1 per cent, or NOK 11 billion, compared to the same figures in April 2012. In February, the same figures showed a decline of 3.4 per cent, or about NOK 1.2 billion, compared to February 2012. The tax payments from the oil producing sector were rather volatile in the first four months of 2013. This volatility is solely due to changes in payment patterns.

5.2 per cent less from the non-personal taxpaying arrangement

In total, NOK 317.1 billion was received in taxes from January through April 2013. NOK 178.8 billion was received through the advance tax arrangement. This represents an increase of 6.9 per cent compared to last year. The non-personal taxpaying arrangement has contributed with NOK 137.9 billion to the tax revenues. Excluding the extraction of petroleum resources, the figure is NOK 53.8 billion. This is 5.2 per cent less than the corresponding period last year. The decline stems from lower payments from the tax equalization contribution to central government as well as lower payments in ordinary taxes on income and wealth to central government. The tax equalization contribution to central government contributed NOK 42.1 billion through the non-personal taxpaying arrangement. This is 4.1 per cent less than January through April last year.