Decrease in tax payments
Public sector;Svalbard
skatteregn, Tax accounts, tax payments, tax distribution, type of tax, dutiesPublic sector, Tax accounts , Public sector, Svalbard
The statistics show tax payments to the central government, municipalities and county authorities. In 2015, total tax payments were NOK 796 billion.

Tax accountsDecember 2015



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Decrease in tax payments

A total of NOK 796 billion was paid in taxes in Norway in 2015. This is NOK 44 billion, or 5.2 per cent, less than in 2014.

Tax accounts. Distributed taxes. NOK million and change in per cent.
Distributed taxes. Accumulated figures so far this yearChange in per cent compared to same period previous year
December 2014December 2015December 2014December 2015
Distributed taxes, total839 602795 752-2.2-5.2
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government31 22929 1940.2-6.5
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum64 21239 477-15.6-38.5
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum105 83764 196-15.6-39.3
Tax equalization contributions to the central government204 823207 965-2.61.5
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)27 75829 2633.05.4
Ordinary taxes to municipalities128 915136 4952.05.9
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme118 846128 5747.48.2
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme154 392159 6633.93.4
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders3 59092732.0-74.2
Figure 1. Paid and distributed taxes by county authority. January - December accumulated. Change in per cent

The decrease in total tax payments was mainly due to lower payments of taxes on petroleum extraction. In 2015, a total of NOK 104 billion was paid in petroleum taxes and this is NOK 66 billion less than in 2014. Tax equalization contributions paid through the non-personal taxpaying arrangement have also decreased by about NOK 6 billion.

A total of NOK 624 billion was paid through the advance tax arrangement in 2015. This is NOK 29 billion, or 4.9 per cent, more than in the previous year. Taxes to municipalities account for NOK 135 billion and taxes to county authorities account for NOK 29 billion of the total taxes paid through the advance tax arrangement. These payments have increased by 5.5 and 6 per cent respectively from 2014 to 2015.

A total of NOK 288 billion was paid to the National Insurance Scheme in 2015. This is NOK 15 billion more than in the previous year.

When are the payments of taxes received?Open and readClose

The payments for all taxes excluding petroleum taxes are mainly received in odd months. Income from petroleum taxes are mainly received in even months.

Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders adjustedOpen and readClose

From January 2015, the sum of taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders is adjusted to account for repayments to shareholders exempted from this tax. In 2015, the sum of repayments was about NOK 1.6 billion.