Decrease in tax payments
Public sector;Svalbard
skatteregn, Tax accounts, tax payments, tax distribution, type of tax, dutiesPublic sector, Tax accounts , Public sector, Svalbard
The statistics show tax payments to the central government, municipalities and county authorities. By the end of June 2016, total tax payments were NOK 413 billion.

Tax accountsJune 2016



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Decrease in tax payments

A total of NOK 413 billion has been paid in taxes in Norway in the first half of 2016. This is a decrease of 5.8 per cent from last year.

Tax accounts. Distributed taxes. NOK million and change in per cent.
Distributed taxes. Accumulated figures so far this yearChange in per cent compared to same period previous year
June 2015June 2016June 2015June 2016
Distributed taxes, total438 638413 325-4.3-5.8
Ordinary taxes on income and wealth, central government15 89320 573-2.729.4
Ordinary taxes on extraction of petroleum26 05813 297-27.9-49.0
Special income tax on extraction of petroleum43 39520 783-25.7-52.1
Tax equalization contributions to the central government127 072121 520-3.2-4.4
Ordinary taxes to county authorities (incl. Oslo)14 67115 6274.06.5
Ordinary taxes to municipalities68 47874 0214.08.1
Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme63 41067 0877.35.8
Employer contributions to the National Insurance Scheme79 80079 6724.2-0.2
Taxes on dividends to foreign shareholders-140746
Figure 1. Paid and distributed taxes by county authority. January - June accumulated. Change in per cent

Taxes on petroleum extraction account for most of the payments in June, with NOK 11 billion out of a total NOK 16 billion. Total petroleum tax payments in the first half of this year were NOK 34 billion. This is more than 50 per cent less than in the first half of 2015.

A total of NOK 320 billion was paid through the advance tax arrangement in the first half of 2016. This is NOK 11 billion, or 3.7 per cent, more than in the first half of 2015. NOK 86 billion of this sum was paid to the central government, NOK 88 billion was paid to local government and NOK 147 billion was paid to the National Insurance Scheme.

Changes in the tax systemOpen and readClose

From 2016, changes in the tax system alter the distribution between ordinary taxes and tax equalization contributions to the central government. Lower rates on ordinary income reduce the equalization tax, while a new system for surtax from personal taxpayers increases the ordinary tax to the central government.