Public sector

Central government debtQ2 2013


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Central government debt
Topic: Public sector

Responsible division

Division for Public Finance

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Total central government debt: This figure relates to all borrowing by the central government.

Norwegian krone (NOK) debt: This item comprises domestic debt denominated in national currency.

Debt denominated in foreign currency: This item comprises foreign debt denominated in foreign currency.

Standard classifications

Financial instrument: Rough classification of debt by type.

Administrative information

Regional level

National level only

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting

Not relevant


The data are also stored in a Fame database.


Background and purpose

The purpose is to offer the public access to time series for the central government debt. Annual figures are available from 1965 and quarterly figures from the 4th quarter 1996.

From the first quarter of 2018, these figures are not published independently, but table 05830 in StatBank is updated with the publication of General government financial assets and liabilities.

Users and applications

On an annual basis - in a processed form - the data are included in the statistics General government financial assets and liabilities, which again are included in the statistics Financial accounts and in the National Accounts. Other important users are the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank of Norway and mass media.

Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar.

See also the Principles for equal treatment of users in releasing statistics and analyses.

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics are not based on international standards. In principle the quarterly figures are final at the time of publishing with the exception of the 4th quarter, which may be revised when the central government's fiscal account is presented in the Storting's white paper no. 3. In processed form annual figures are included in the statistics General government financial assets and liabilities, the Financial accounts and the National Accounts.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act, § 2-2

EEA reference

Not relevant



The population comprises all central government debt as managed by the Ministry of Finance.

Data sources and sampling

Ministry of Finance
Norges Bank: Key government debt indicators

Collection of data, editing and estimations

No checks are undertaken.

Seasonal adjustment

The figures are not seasonally adjusted.


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

Breaks rarely occur in the time series.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

May occur in connection with manual treatment of the data.


Published figures are not revised. State guarantees for the fourth quarter are published With other figures for the first quarter of the following year.