This is an archived release.
Increase in government revenue
The central government’s fiscal account, including the National Insurance Scheme, shows an increase in total revenue from NOK 1 065 billion in 2010 to NOK 1 224 billion in 2011. Total expenditure has increased from NOK 893 billion to NOK 952 billion.
Postponed release
The release of Central government revenue and expenditure, 1st quarter 2012 Monday 4 June 2012 is postponed due to the strike in the public sector.
Transfers totalling NOK 1 057 billion account for most of the government’s revenue. Most of the transfers were paid as taxes or contributions to the National Insurance Scheme. The total sum of taxes was NOK 746 billion in 2011. This is NOK 96 billion, or 14.8 per cent, more than in 2010. Member contributions to the National Insurance Scheme were NOK 102 billion and employer contributions were NOK 139 billion.
In addition to transfers, extraction of petroleum is an important source of income for the central government, with an operating surplus of NOK 126 billion and other income of NOK 17 billion in 2011. The central government also had sales revenue of NOK 22 billion and other income from enterprises and fixed capital formation of NOK 3 billion.
The total sum of transfers from the central government was NOK 765 billion in 2011. This is NOK 47 billion, or 6.5 per cent, more than in 2010. The main part of these transfers, NOK 329 billion, was paid as pensions and benefits through the National insurance Scheme. Transfers to municipalities and county authorities totalled NOK 165 billion, and NOK 41 billion was transferred to other state accounts in 2011. The central government’s interest expenditure was NOK 17 billion, and NOK 214 billion was paid in other transfers in 2011.
The central government’s operating expenses, consisting of wages and salaries for government employees and purchases of goods and services, were NOK 140 billion in 2011. This is about NOK 10 billion more than in 2010.
This page has been discontinued, see Central government revenue and expenditure, Quarterly.
Bjørn Gran-Henriksen
tel.: (+47) 41 40 20 71
June Solås
tel.: (+47) 98 87 46 76