Plans and reports 2012/12

Activity plan for 2012 : risk assessment

Activity plan 2012. Risk assessments presents overarching risk assessments associated with the Activity plan and main initiatives in 2012, as well as some examples of key statistics and projects.

Activity plan 2012. Risk assessments presents overarching risk assessments associated with the Activity plan and main initiatives in 2012, as well as some examples of key statistics and projects. Priorities and initiatives for the work in 2012 have been compiled in the publication Activity plan 2012 Statistics Norway. A publication dedicated to internal budget allocation is also in preparation.

Activity plans for each of Statistics Norway’s departments are also available, along with risk assessments for individual areas.

About the publication


Activity plan for 2012 : risk assessment

Series and number

Plans and reports 2012/12


Statistics Norway

Number of pages




About Plans and reports

In this series, documents of an institutional nature and notes with a certain official character are published.
