Plans and reports 2021/07

Annual Report 2020. Statistics Norway

The annual report includes an overview of Statistics Norway's results for 2020, in line with the requirements in the letter of allocation.

Statistics Norway’s main tasks are to develop, produce, quality assure and disseminate relevant statistics, analyses and research. Performance in 2020 was mainly in line with the expectations set out in the letter of allocation from the Ministry of Finance. Statistics Norway is working continuously to simplify and further develop reporting solutions that enable businesses to submit figures as early as possible using minimal resources. This work has helped to reduce the reporting burden and produce more relevant statistics. The timeliness improvements are also due to targeted efforts to streamline internal work processes. Statistics Norway’s statistics are generally released on the planned date, and punctuality is on a par with previous years. In terms of research, the activity level was high in 2020, and a number of external and internal projects were realised.

About the publication


Annual Report 2020. Statistics Norway

Series and number

Plans and reports 2021/07


Statistics Norway

About Plans and reports

In this series, documents of an institutional nature and notes with a certain official character are published.
