Cheaper car rental for private households
Prices and price indices;Establishments, enterprises and accounts
bilutleie, Car rental, price indexProducer and wholesale price indices, Establishments and enterprises , Prices and price indices, Establishments, enterprises and accounts

Car rental, price indexQ4 2008



Cheaper car rental for private households

In 2008 private households paid 7.6 per cent less for car rental compared with last year. In the fourth quarter of 2008 this customer group experienced a decrease of 10.1 per cent compared with the same period in 2007.

Car rental, price index. 2005=100

On the other hand, private and public businesses paid 4.6 per cent more for car rental in the fourth quarter of 2008 than they did in the fourth quarter of 2007. This group accounted for 73.7 per cent of the total turnover in the industry. This development was also noticeable for the foreign tourists, who experienced an increase of 9.7 per cent in this quarter.

The first three quarters of the last year has showed a flattening price development for the entire car rental industry. The last quarter would however end with an increase of 2.5 per cent compared with the corresponding quarter in 2007. This increase contributes to a minor yearly decrease of 0.8 per cent compared with 2007.

Car rental , price index 1st quarter 2004-4th quarter 2008. 2005=100
Period Prices Sub indices
Total index Changes from
same quarter in
the previous year,
per cent
Foreign tourists Private households Private and public businesses
1. quarter  102.0    113.0 94.4  102.4
2. quarter  102.0    105.0 96.7  102.8
3. quarter  104.1    106.1  105.7  103.3
4. quarter  100.9   99.8 96.1  101.7
1. quarter  100.7 -1.3  106.9 95.9  100.8
2. quarter  100.2 -1.8  100.7  100.4 99.6
3. quarter  100.8 -3.1 98.7  103.0  101.5
4. quarter 98.3 -2.6 93.8  100.7 98.1
1. quarter 98.0 -2.6 97.3 91.7 99.0
2. quarter  102.2 2.0 98.2  101.0  103.1
3. quarter  101.4 0.6 96.3  112.5  100.7
4. quarter 99.6 1.3 97.2  102.4 99.0
1. quarter 98.3 0.2 97.5  100.2 97.8
2. quarter 99.8 -2.3 99.4  102.3 99.2
3. quarter  102.0 0.6 98.6  109.8  100.9
4. quarter 98.2 -1.4 94.6  101.9 97.6
1. quarter 97.2 -1.1 92.1  100.3 96.9
2. quarter 98.5 -1.3 99.6 93.4 99.3
3. quarter 98.7 -3.2 99.0 97.3 98.9
4. quarter  100.7 2.5  103.8 91.6  102.1

Important announcement: New classification being implemented shortly

As of the first quarter of 2009, a new version of Norwegian industry classification (SIC2007) will be used. The classification is in accordance with the EC’s new NACE rev.2 classification. This enables comparability across borders.

The price index for car rental will from now on be published together with all the price indices in the group of Business activities, which consists of sections for “Professional, Scientific and Technical activities” and “Administrative and Support service activities”.

Users are welcome to forward enquiries about the transition to a new industry classification by contacting the responsible person for this index (see the left margin under “contacts”)