Prices and price indices;Construction, housing and property
bkibol, Construction cost index for residential buildings, construction costs, labour costs, material costs, detached houses, residential buildings, type of work (for example electrical, plumbing, groundwork), types of material (for example concrete, reinforced steel, timber)Dwelling and housing conditions , Construction , Construction cost indices, Construction, housing and property, Prices and price indices

Construction cost index for residential buildingsAugust 2019



This is an archived release.

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Please note that base year 2000=100 is updated to 2015=100 from the publishing of the August 2019 indices. This means that all time series are rescaled to the new base year 2015=100.

It is important to be aware that changing the reference year can cause discrepancies in already published change rates. This is mainly due to rounding effects.

Construction cost index for residential buildings. 2015=100
August 2019
Change from last month, per centChange from last year, per centIndex
1Construction cost index for residential buildings is weighted by index for detached houses of wood and index for multi-dwelling houses.
2Wage statistics for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter are includeded in the construction cost of May, August, November and February respectively.
Residential buildings10.52.6112.2
Residential buildings, labour cost21.53.1111.1
Residential buildings, materials-0.12.5113.2
Detached houses of wood0.52.6112.1
Detached houses of wood, materials-0.12.4112.9
Detached houses of wood, other building work0.42.5112.3
Detached houses of wood, other building work, materials-0.12.3113.0
Multi-dwelling houses0.72.5112.4
Multi-dwelling houses, materialsr-0.22.6113.6