HICP up 0.2 per cent
Prices and price indices;Income and consumption
hkpi, Harmonized index of consumer prices, HCPI, inflation, EU countries, EEA countries, price trends, price increases, product groups (for example food, housing, transport), service groups (for example telecom services, hotels and restaurants)Consumption, Consumer prices , Income and consumption, Prices and price indices

Harmonized index of consumer pricesAugust 2005



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HICP up 0.2 per cent

The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) for Norway increased by 0.2 per cent from July to August 2005. The increase was mainly due to price increases in electricity and clothing.

The HICP for Norway stood at 118.7 (1996=100) in August 2005, compared with 116.6 in August last year. The year-to-year growth for HICP in August was 1.8 per cent, up by 0.4 percentage points from July. See the Consumer Price Index for more details.

Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices

EEA, EU and euro-zone

The HICP for EEA and the euro-zone stood at 117.8 and 118.2, respectively in July 2005. The HICP year-to-year growth for EEA was 2.1 per cent, up by 0.1 percentage points from June. The HICP for the euro-zone was 2.2 per cent, also up by 0.1 percentage points from June. HICP Eurostat's flash estimate for the year-to-year growth in the euro-zone is 2.1 per cent for August 2005.

Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices for Norway and
other selected countries. Change in per cent
  June 2004-June 2005 July 2004-July 2005 August 2004-August 2005
Norway 1.6 1.4 11.8
Iceland 0.3 0.5  
Sweden 0.8 0.7  
Denmark 1.7 1.9  
Finland 1.0 0.9  
Germany 1.8 1.9  
UK 2.0 2.3  
EEA 2.0 12.1  
EU 2.0 12.1  
Euro-zone 2.1 12.2  
1  Provisional or preliminary figure.
Source:  Statistics Norway and EUROSTAT.