Smaller price differences
Prices and price indices;Construction, housing and property
kvadenebol, Prices per square metre of detached houses, price development, house prices, new detached houses, second-hand detached housesDwelling and housing conditions , House prices and house price indices , Construction, housing and property, Prices and price indices

Prices per square metre of detached houses1999-2000



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Smaller price differences

In 1999 and 2000 the price per square metre of used detached houses was 86.2 and 87.3 per cent, respectively, of the price per square metre of new detached houses. In corresponding calculations for the period from July 1993 to June 1994 the ratio was 77.5 per cent.

The price per square metre of used and new detached houses has risen 92 and 71 per cent, respectively, from the period July 1993 June 1994 to 2000. The price per square metre is not adjusted for variations in the quality of the dwellings either between the counties or over time.

Used detached houses more expensive than new ones in Oslo and Stavanger

There are large regional variations in the price ratio between new and used dwellings. The price differences in central areas are generally lower, and in Oslo and Stavanger, the prices of used detached houses are higher than for new ones. In Hordaland and Rogaland, too, the differences are small (less than 10 per cent). The largest price differences between used and new houses are found in Hedmark, Sogn og Fjordane, Nord-Trøndelag, Nordland and Finnmark. In these counties the price per square metre of a used detached house is between 60 and 68 percent of the price of a new house.

Building a new house most expensive in Oslo and Akershus

The highest prices per square metre for new detached houses are found in Oslo, with an average price per square metre in 2000 of NOK 14 598. In Akershus the price per square metre was NOK 11 249. In 2000 the prices per square metre for used detached houses in Oslo and Akershus were NOK 15 645 and NOK 11 228, respectively. The prices are per square metre of utility floor space.

Last year it was cheapest to build a new detached house in Telemark and Oppland. In these counties the price per square metre for new detached houses was on average NOK 7 378 and NOK 7 790, respectively. In 2000 the national average was NOK 8 868. The price per square metre for used detached houses was lowest in Finnmark and Nord-Trøndelag.

Uncertain figures for the large cities

Particularly with regard to new detached houses, there are few observations in Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim. At the same time there are large regional price differences within the urban areas. This makes comparisons between the large cities more uncertain.