Highest rents in Oslo
Prices and price indices;Construction, housing and property
lmu, Rental market survey, letting, rent, rents per square metre, dwelling types, lessor categories (for example family, local authority, employer), dwelling sizeDwelling and housing conditions , House prices and house price indices , Construction, housing and property, Prices and price indices

Rental market survey2008



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Highest rents in Oslo

The rental market survey for 2008 shows that housing rents are at the highest in Oslo including Bærum and in Akershus. Average monthly rents in these areas are NOK 6811 and NOK 5702 respectively.

Geographical location is a crucial explanatory variable with regard to rent differences. The survey shows that the most densely populated areas have the highest rents. Tenants living in Oslo including Bærum pay higher monthly rents than in any other part of Norway. In this area, tenants pay on average NOK 6 266 and NOK 7 775 respectively in rent per month for a two- and three-room dwelling.

At a national level, the average monthly rent for a two-room dwelling is NOK 4 569, while the rent for a three-room dwelling is NOK 5 209 on average.

The Norwegian rental market is characterised by large variations in rents due to geography, physical unit attributes, relations between tenants and landlords and period of tenancy. The average estimates must therefore be treated with some caution. It is also important to emphasise that average rent levels from 2007 and 2008 are not directly comparable since the survey is based on unique samples each year that may differ according to variables that are important for the rent level.

The rental market in Norway has elements of subsidies, i.e. tenancies with family and friends and major landlords such as municipalities and student organisations. The deregulated private rental market consists of private individuals letting out dwellings or parts of their own dwelling to others than family and friends and of private landlords or private letting agencies. These cover approximately 65 per cent of the Norwegian rental market.

The proportion of tenants in younger age groups is relatively high, thus shorter tenancies dominate.
