Slight increase in rents
Prices and price indices;Construction, housing and property
lmu, Rental market survey, letting, rent, rents per square metre, dwelling types, lessor categories (for example family, local authority, employer), dwelling sizeDwelling and housing conditions , House prices and house price indices , Construction, housing and property, Prices and price indices

Rental market surveyQ2 2007



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Slight increase in rents

The Rental market survey shows that an average monthly rent for a 2 room and 3 room dwelling amounted to NOK 4 418 and NOK 5 026 respectively in the second quarter 2007, up 0.6 per cent from the first quarter. Rents for larger dwellings fell in the same period.

Rents increased by 0.2 per cent on average from the first to the second quarter of 2007 in the Norwegian rental market. Rents for 2 and 3 room dwellings increased the most by 0.6 per cent, whereas 1 room dwelling increased by 0.3 per cent. The rent for 4 room dwellings and dwellings with 5 rooms or more decreased by 0.5 and 0.4 per cent respectively.

The rent increases varied from a decrease of 0.2 per cent to an increase of 2.5 per cent depending on geographic area. On average tenants in Oslo and Bærum paid NOK 6 637 in the second quarter, up 0.9 per cent from the first quarter.

The Rental market survey shows that tenants on average paid a monthly rent of NOK 4 785 for a dwelling in the second quarter of 2007. See rental market survey for more information .

Average monthly rents and annual
rents per sqm by number of rooms.
2th quarter 2007. NOK
Number of rooms Average
monthly rents
Average annual
rents per sqm
1 room1 3 892 1 305
2 rooms 4 418 1 020
3 rooms 5 026  855
4 rooms 5 236  723
5 rooms or more 5 376  527
1  Lodgings without independent access are