Prices of petroleum products fell sharply
Prices and price indices
pif, Price index of first-hand domestic sales, price trends, inflation, wholesale price index, domestic market, import market, product groups (for example food, chemical products, machines)Producer and wholesale price indices, Prices and price indices

Price index of first-hand domestic sales15 December 2000



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Prices of petroleum products fell sharply

The price index of first hand domestic sales declined by 1.1 per cent from November to December. The main reason for this fall was lower prices of petroleum and petroleum products. From December 1999 to December 2000 (12-month rate) the total index rose 2.5 per cent.

Prices in the group mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials fell by as much as 6.0 per cent from November to December. A 12.5 per cent drop in prices of petroleum and petroleum products was the main reason. The 12-month rate for the group mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials went from 10.9 per cent in November to 1.8 per cent in December.

Last month's figures from the London Spot Markets showed a good 20 per cent decrease in the price of unleaded gasoline, while prices of heavy fuel oil and Brent Blend went down about 14 per cent and 23 per cent respectively.

Minor changes

The second largest contributor to the fall of the total index was a 0.6 per cent drop in the prices of products in the group crude materials, inedible, except fuels. A price decline in the subgroup metalliferrous ores and metal scrap was the main cause for this decrease.

The rest of the groups showed only minor changes.

According to end use

The prices of consumer goods declined by 0.3 per cent from November to December, while prices of goods for investments went down 0.1 per cent.

Price index of first-hand domestic sales. 1981=100
Changes, per cent
December 2000
December 1999-
December 2000
January-December 1999 -
January-December 2000
Total index 183,4 -1,1 2,5 4,2
Food 178,3 -0,1 1,3 -0,3
Beverages and tobacco 278,2 - 3,3 3,5
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 172,1 -0,6 8,7 8,4
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 174,5 -6,0 1,8 14,8
Animal and vegetable oils and fats 168,4 1,3 -8,1 -4,5
Chemicals 173,0 0,1 2,2 3,4
Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 183,1 0,1 3,6 3,0
Machinery and transport equipment 187,1 -0,1 2,0 1,5
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 198,6 0,1 2,0 2,4