Revision of the index
Prices and price indices
pif, Price index of first-hand domestic sales, price trends, inflation, wholesale price index, domestic market, import market, product groups (for example food, chemical products, machines)Producer and wholesale price indices, Prices and price indices

Price index of first-hand domestic sales15 January 2001



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Revision of the index

The publishing of the price index of first hand domestic sales for January 2001 marks the end of a larger revision. New methods are adopted, which will improve the quality of the index. The revision also implies that compares with indices from previous years in a transitional period will be somewhat more complicated.

Along with new methods updated classifications are also implemented, and the new index is published with 2000 as reference year. For more information about the revision see "About the statistics", where the most important changes are presented.

Current figures

The price index of first hand domestic sales went down 1.1 per cent from December 2000 to January 2001. The 12-month rate (January 2000 - January 2001) was 5.6 per cent. This decline is mainly due to decreasing prices in the group mineral fuels, lubricants and related material. Here, the prices went down by 5.7 per cent. Prices rose by 0.7 per cent in the group machinery and transport equipment, while the prices of beverages and tobacco increased by 0.6 per cent. In the group miscellaneous manufactured articles the index rose by 0.5 per cent. For other groups there were only minor changes.

Price index of first-hand domestic sales. 2000=100
    Changes, per cent
  January 2001 December 2000-
January 2001
January 2000-
January 2001
Total index 99,97 -1,1 5,6
Food and live animals 102,77 0,1 3,5
Beverages and tobacco 101,20 0,6 2,0
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 103,91 -0,1 19,7
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 91,34 -5,7 9,7
Chemicals and related products, n.e.s 101,96 0,0 4,6
Manufactured goods classified by material 102,53 0,1 5,7
Machinery and transport equipment 101,47 0,7 2,6
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 100,66 0,5 1,1