Slight increase in prices for postal and courier services
Prices and price indices;Transport and tourism
tpitralag, Transport and storage, price indices, price development, service price index, freight transport, road transport, sea transport, freight, air transport, cold storage and frozen storage, dry storageProducer and wholesale price indices, Sea transport , Land transport , Aviation , Transport and tourism, Prices and price indices

Transport and storage, price indicesQ4 2010



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Slight increase in prices for postal and courier services

The price index for postal and courier services, which is being published for the first time, increased by 10.7 per cent1 from the first quarter of 2006 to the fourth quarter of 2010. This amounts to an average annual growth of about 2.6 per cent1.

Price indices within transport. 2006=100

The index for postal and courier services encompasses two sub indices, namely postal services under universal service obligation and other postal and courier services. The index for postal services under universal service obligation is more stable with less fluctuation in comparison to other postal and courier services where there exists more competition. The index level reached 119.8 and 108.1 per cent respectively for postal services under universal service obligation and other postal and courier services respectively. The total index postal and courier services was at 110.3 during the 4th quarter of 2010.

Stability in freight transport by road

Freight transport by road remained relatively stable with a 0.6 per cent increase during the fourth quarter of 2010 relative to the preceding quarter. In relation to the same quarter in 2009, the industry had an increase of 1.6 per cent.

Air fares back up

Price indices for auxiliary transport services. 2006=100

The total index for passenger air transport was at 100.9 in the 4th quarter of 2010 compared to 98.6 in the previous quarter. This is still lower than a year ago when the index was at 108.4, making for a fall in prices of 6.9 per cent. While fares for business travel decreased compared to the previous quarter, fares for leisure travel went up. Prices in these markets, similar to the development with the total index, were both lower than the 4th quarter of 2009.

Prices for freight ocean transport continue to decrease

Total index for water transport was110.9 for the 4th quarter of 2010. This means that the total index for the industry decreased by 6.8 per cent compared with the previous quarter and 1.2 per cent compared with the same quarter from the previous year. The decrease is due to a fall in freight ocean transport, especially within dry bulk transport, but transport of chemicals also declined compared with the previous quarter.

Prices in freight ocean transport are influenced by the NOK's strengthening against the dollar from the 3rd to 4th quarter in 2010. Most contracts are stipulated in USD. This means that with the steady freight rates, the price in NOK will be lower.

Higher prices for storage and cargo handling

The price index for storage and warehousing stood at 4.1 per cent higher during the fourth quarter of 2010 relative to the preceding quarter. The annual growth in relation to the same quarter in 2009 amounted to 4.1 per cent. The index for cargo handling, which also is being published for the first time, increased by 19.5 per cent in the course of five years, which amounts to about 4 per cent annual growth since 2006.

1  The figure was corrected 2 March 2011.

Price indices within transport and storage, 4th quarter 2010. 2006=100
Industry Price index 4th quarter 2010 Percentage change
3rd quarter 2010-4th quarter 2010 4th quarter 2009-4th quarter 2010
Freight transport by road  119.1 0.6 1.5
Sea transport  110.9 -6.8 -1.2
Scheduled air transport with passanger  100.9 2.4 -6.9
Storage and warehousing  120.0 4.1 4.1
Cargo handling  119.5 0.2 2.2
Postal and courier services  110.3 0.1 -0.3
postal services under universal service obligation  108.1 0.2 -1.7
Other postal and courier services  119.8 -0.4 5.2

Two new price indices for services

The service produce price index for postal and courier services as well as cargo handling is published for the first time in February 2011with quarterly rates back to 2006. The quarterly index for postal and courier services consists of a total index for the industry as well as two sub indices on postal services under universal service obligation and other postal and courier services. Cargo handling, on the other hand, is only published as a total index.

All the price indices are of a B2B type, which means that they measure the price development for services rendered to the business sector.