Sharp price fall for passenger air transport
Prices and price indices;Transport and tourism
tpitralag, Transport and storage, price indices, price development, service price index, freight transport, road transport, sea transport, freight, air transport, cold storage and frozen storage, dry storageProducer and wholesale price indices, Sea transport , Land transport , Aviation , Transport and tourism, Prices and price indices

Transport and storage, price indicesQ3 2011



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Sharp price fall for passenger air transport

The price index for passenger air transport declined by 7.6 per cent from the 2nd to the 3rd quarter of 2011, resulting in an all time low in the index level since 2006. The indices for freight transport by road, storage and warehousing, and postal and courier services changed slightly during the same period.

The total index for passenger air transport was 90.3 in the 3rd quarter of 2011. Business trips contributed the most to the decline with a price fall of 12.5 per cent during the same period. With respect to the same quarter last year, the decline amounts to 18.5 per cent. Leisure trips declined by 4.1 per cent relative to the last quarter, while the decline was 1.1 per cent relative to the same quarter in 2010.

Price indices for selected transport industries. 2006=100.

Marginal increase for freight transport by road

Prices for freight transport by road increased by 0.5 per cent from the 2nd to the 3rd quarter of 2011. The sub-indices that grew the most during this quarter were petroleum transport and other gases and liquids in bulk , amounting to 1.7 and 1.5 per cent respectively. The total index stood at 122.6, which is 3.6 per cent higher than the same quarter last year.

Slight decline in storage prices

The index for storage services declined by 0.4 per cent with respect to the 2nd quarter of 2011. The index remains unaltered at 115.2 relative to the same quarter of 2010.

Slight price change for postal and courier activities and cargo handling

The index for postal and courier activities marginally declined by 0.1 per cent with respect to the 2nd quarter of 2011 and by 1.5 per cent relative to the 3rd quarter of 2010. The main index includes two sub-indices, namely: postal activities under universal service obligation , which declined by 0.1 per cent, and other postal and courier services , which remains unaltered with respect to the previous quarter.

The price index for cargo handling increased by 0.1 per cent relative to the 2nd quarter of 2011, while it went up by 3.3 per cent relative to the 3rd quarter of 2010.

Price indices for auxiliary transport services. 2006=100

Transport and storage, price indices 3rd quarter 2011. 2006=100
Industry Price index 3rd quarter 2011 Percentage change
2nd. quarter 2011-3rd quarter 2011 3rd quarter 2010-3rd quarter 2011
Freight transport by road  122.6 0.5 3.6
Sea transport1 .. .. ..
Scheduled air transport with passanger 90.3 -7.6 -8.4
Storage and warehousing  115.2 -0.4 0.0
Cargo handling  123.1 0.1 3.3
Postal and courier services  111.9 0.1 1.5
1  Publication of the price index for maritime transport is delayed and will be released during February 2012

Delayed publication for maritime transport index

Service producer price indices for industries within transport and storage, of which maritime transport is one, are published together. Statistics Norway could not publish the price index for maritime transport on schedule this time. The results will be published during the 1st quarter of 2012. We apologise for the inconvenience this might cause.