Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Official forecasts and management of oil windfalls Discussion Papers no. 676 National accounts and business cycles
Macroeconomic shocks and the probability of being employed Discussion Papers no. 675 National accounts and business cycles
Optimal control and the Fibonacci sequence Discussion Papers no. 674 National accounts and business cycles
Crime and the transition to parenthood: the role of sex and relationship context Discussion Papers no. 673 National accounts and business cycles
Saving and portfolio allocation before and after job loss Discussion Papers no. 672 National accounts and business cycles
Modelling the heuristic dynamics of the wage and price curve model of equilibrium unemployment Discussion Papers no. 671 National accounts and business cycles
Working hours in dual-earner couples: does one partner work less when the other works more? Discussion Papers no. 670 National accounts and business cycles
Norwegian pension reform: defined benefit versus defined contribution Discussion Papers no. 669 National accounts and business cycles
The financial Accelerator and the real economy: self-reinforcing feedback loops in a core macro econometric model for Norway Discussion Papers no. 668 National accounts and business cycles
Using the Helmert-transformation to reduce dimensionality in a mixed model: an application to a wage equation with worker and firm heterogeneity Discussion Papers no. 667 National accounts and business cycles
Life-cycle bias and the returns to schooling in current and lifetime earnings Discussion Papers no. 666 National accounts and business cycles
How do banks' funding costs affect interest margins? Discussion Papers no. 665 National accounts and business cycles
Cost-effective unilateral climate policy design: size matters Discussion Papers no. 664 National accounts and business cycles
The inequality effects of a dual income tax system Discussion Papers no. 663 National accounts and business cycles
Should economists listen to educational psychologists?: some economics of student motivation Discussion Papers no. 662 National accounts and business cycles