Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
The effect of preschool on the school performance of children from immigrant families: results from an introduction of free preschool in two districts in Oslo Discussion Papers no. 631 National accounts and business cycles
Implementing the EU renewable target through green certificate markets Discussion Papers no. 630 National accounts and business cycles
The effects of transport regulation on the oil market: does market power matter? Discussion Papers no. 629 National accounts and business cycles
Why children of college graduates outperform their schoolmates: a study of cousins and adoptees Discussion Papers no. 628 National accounts and business cycles
Effects of norms and policy incentives on household recycling: an international comparison Discussion Papers no. 627 National accounts and business cycles
International emissions trading with endogenous taxes Discussion Papers no. 626 National accounts and business cycles
Macroeconomics stability or cycles?: the role of the wage-price spiral Discussion Papers no. 625 National accounts and business cycles
Mother's employment and fertility in Norway Discussion Papers no. 624 National accounts and business cycles
Robust inequality comparisons Discussion Papers no. 623 National accounts and business cycles
On the measurement of long-term income inequality and income mobility Discussion Papers no. 622 National accounts and business cycles
The distributional impact of public services when needs differ Discussion Papers no. 621 National accounts and business cycles
Measuring long-term inequality of oppotunity Discussion Papers no. 620 National accounts and business cycles
Accounting for family background when designing optimal income taxes: a microeconometric simulation analysis Discussion Papers no. 619 National accounts and business cycles
Markets where buyers also are sellers: how realized home equity may work as an accelerator of house prices Discussion Papers no. 618 National accounts and business cycles
Oil dependency of the Russian economy: an econometric analysis Discussion Papers no. 617 National accounts and business cycles