Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Causes and effects of measurement errors in educational attainment: Experiences from The European Social Survey in Norway Documents 2020/35 Education
Report from the Norwegian SILC web pilot 2019 Documents 2020/29 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Technical documentation of the BEFINN model, g2020 Documents 2020/23 Population
On the measurement of productivity growth in the Norwegian National Accounts Documents 2020/20 National accounts and business cycles
Empirical Bayes estimation of local demographic rates: An application using Norwegian registry data Documents 2020/03 Population
Eurostudent VII: Documentation report Documents 2019/36 Education
Quality work in Statistics Norway Documents 2019/08 Population
Estimation of training costs for the Norwegian Labour Cost Survey (LCS) Documents 2019/05 Labour market and earnings
Proxy Interviews in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey: Analysis of self-respondent and proxy interviews, and their impact on estimates Documents 2018/48 Labour market and earnings
Energy account and energy balance: Documentation of statistics production since statistics year 1990 Documents 2018/46 Energy and manufacturing
Measuring human capital for Norway 2007-2014 Documents 2018/40 National accounts and business cycles
Volume measurement for non-market health and care services in the Norwegian national accounts Documents 2018/29 National accounts and business cycles
House sales indicators: An overview of sources and possibilities Documents 2018/23 Construction, housing and property
Cohort Analysis: Documentation for the cohort analysis component of the OECD data table delivery Documents 2018/21 Labour market and earnings
New estimation methodology for the Norwegian Labour Force Survey Documents 2018/16 Labour market and earnings