Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
The Norwegian KLEMS Growth and Productivity Accounts: 1997-2014 Documents 2017/38 National accounts and business cycles
Multinomial logit estimation of transition probabilities for workers in government sector, municipal sector, private sector with and without contractual pensions (AFP) and self-employed Documents 2017/32 Public sector, Labour market and earnings
Mapping attractive urban areas: the “Merging statistics and geographic information grant programme” Documents 2017/31 Nature and the environment
Oil and Gas statistics: The Norwegian Experience Documents 2017/24 Energy and manufacturing, National accounts and business cycles
Changes in inventories in the Norwegian National Accounts: Accounting data as a source for changes in inventories Documents 2017/13 National accounts and business cycles
Improving health data quality: Recommendations and guidelines. Based on the case of the Health Management Information System in Malawi and DHIS2 Documents 2017/05 Health
Manual for the DHIS2 quality tool: Understanding the basics of improving data quality Documents 2017/04 Health
The health management Information system in Malawi: Assessment of data quality and methods for improvement Documents 2017/03 Health
Norwegian Standard Classification of Education 2016: Revised 2000 Documents 2017/02 Education
Price index for new multi-dwellings Documents 2016/38 Prices and price indices
Benefit Analysis: Documentation for the benefit analysis component of the OECD data table delivery Documents 2016/37 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Tutorial: Development of data entry- and CAPI applications in CSPro Documents 2016/27 Population
Decomposition of growth in real disposable income Documents 2016/26 National accounts and business cycles, Income and consumption
The Norwegian Emission Inventory 2016: Documentation of methodologies for estimating emissions of greenhouse gases and long-range transboundary air pollutants Documents 2016/22 Nature and the environment
An investigation of the Norwegian consumption: income distribution and wealth effects Documents 2016/20 Income and consumption