Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Statistical differences for primary energy products: Norwegian Energy Balance 2011-2014 Documents 2016/08 Energy and manufacturing
Including land as a balance sheet item in the Norwegian National Accounts Documents 2016/01 National accounts and business cycles
Response Propensities in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey: The move towards a responsive design Documents 2015/41 Labour market and earnings
Welfare Core Survey: guidelines for design of a core survey for a household survey system Documents 2015/35 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Building national capacity for monitoring the economic development in an African country: The case of Malawi Documents 2015/31 National accounts and business cycles
Pilot survey on land rent statistics: Report to Eurostat Directorate E Documents 2015/30 Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Review of indicators for measuring OfD Program goals in Lebanon Documents 2015/23 Energy and manufacturing
Improved treatment of insurance in the Norwegian national accounts Documents 2015/04 National accounts and business cycles
Process tables in the Norwegian national accounts Documents 2015/03 National accounts and business cycles
Goods sent abroad for processing and merchanting in the Norwegian national accounts Documents 2015/02 National accounts and business cycles
Labour Cost Survey: Quality Report 2012 Documents 2014/46 Labour market and earnings
Government expenditure on environmental protection and resource management Documents 2014/44 Nature and the environment
Status Analysis on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Documents 2014/41 Population
The Norwegian Emission Inventory 2014: documentation of methodologies for estimating emissions of greenhouse gases and long-range transboundary air pollutants Documents 2014/35 Nature and the environment
Imputation of missing data among immigrants in the Register of the Population's Level of Education (BU) Documents 2014/27 Education