Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
The population projections: documentation of the BEFINN and BEFREG models Documents 2014/25 Population
The cost of participating in the greenhouse gas emission permit market Documents 2014/15 Nature and the environment
Environmental protection expenditure accounts: new reporting requirements and basic data needed Documents 2014/08 Nature and the environment
How to integrate emission permits into the environmental related tax statistics: theory and practice : test calculations for Norway, 2008-2012 Documents 2014/05 Nature and the environment
Environmental goods and services sector: new reporting requirements and basic data needed Documents 2014/04 Nature and the environment
Quarterly national accounts: methods and sources of the quarterly national accounts compilations for Norway December 2013 Documents 2014/02 National accounts and business cycles
Improved calculation and dissemination of coefficients of variation in the Norwegian LFS Documents 2013/46 Labour market and earnings
Labour cost index: quality report 2012 Documents 2013/41 Labour market and earnings
The Norwegian Emission Inventory 2013: documentation of methodologies for estimating emissions of greenhouse gases and long-range transboundary air pollutants Documents 2013/30 Nature and the environment
Emissions of HFCs and PFCs from product use in Norway: documentation of methodologies Documents 2013/24 Nature and the environment
Green growth and challenges in "greening" statistical classifications Documents 2013/23 Nature and the environment
Emissions of black carbon and organic carbon in Norway 1990-2011 Documents 2013/13 Nature and the environment
Automatic outlier handling and model selection in seasonal adjustment: A history analysis study involving three suggested outlier algorithms Documents 2012/71 National accounts and business cycles
Various data collection methods in the Norwegian CPI Documents 2012/55 Prices and price indices
Nonresponse in the Norwegian labour force survey (LFS): using administrative information to describe trends Documents 2012/54 Labour market and earnings