Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Evaluating employment classification: a quality study linking survey data and register data Documents 2010/09 Labour market and earnings
Technological changes and skill composition: evidence from matched employer-employee data Documents 2010/06 Labour market and earnings
Price index for employment activities Documents 2010/05 Prices and price indices
Statistical grids for Norway: documentation of national grids for analysis and visualisation of spatial data in Norway Documents 2009/9 Nature and the environment
Norwegian methodology for supply and use tables and input-output tables Documents 2009/8 National accounts and business cycles
Analysing the series for quarterly sector accounts (QSA): income, expenditure and savings for households and the NPISH sector Documents 2009/7 National accounts and business cycles
Turnover/output measures in the telecommunication industry in Norway Documents 2009/6 Technology and innovation
Environmentally related taxes in Norway: totals and divided by industry Documents 2009/5 Nature and the environment
Price index for accounting, bookeeping and auditing activities Documents 2009/4 Prices and price indices
The new Keynesian Phillips Curve revisited Documents 2009/3 Prices and price indices
The European module on disability and social integration EDSIM - Nordic project Documents 2009/2 Health
Pricing of CO2 emissions in Norway: documentation of data and methods used in estimations of average CO2 tax rates in Norwegian sectors in 2006 Documents 2009/16 Nature and the environment
Pilot data collection on net social benefits Documents 2009/15 Public sector
Quality self-assessment in Statistics Norway Documents 2009/14 Population
Managing government wealth in an aging society: the implications of fiscal rules Documents 2009/13 Public sector