Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Non-resident employees in the Norwegian national accounts Documents 2008/16 National accounts and business cycles
Environment statistics: improvement of methodologies for water statistics Documents 2008/15 Nature and the environment
Macroeconomic modelling for energy and environmental analyses: integrated economy-energy-environment models as efficient tools Documents 2008/14 Nature and the environment
Scanning of questionnaires: Statistics Norway's experience from developement projects in Africa 2003-2008 Documents 2008/13 Population
A small macro econometric model of the US economy Documents 2008/12 National accounts and business cycles
Developing methods for determining the number of unauthorized foreigners in Norway Documents 2008/11 Population
Continuing vocational training survey (CVTS3): quality report for Norway Documents 2008/10 Education
Facts on immigrants and their descendants 2007 Documents 2008/1 Population, Immigration and immigrants, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Price index for new multi-dwelling houses: sources and methods Documents 2007/9 Prices and price indices
Emissions from consumption of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 in Norway Documents 2007/8 Nature and the environment
Exchange rate volatility and export performance: evidence from disaggregated Norwegian data Documents 2007/7 External economy
Improving the power market performance by automatic meter reading and time-differentiated pricing Documents 2007/6 Energy and manufacturing
FD-Trygd: list of variables Documents 2007/5 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Predicting poverty for Mozambique 2000 to 2005: how robust are the models? Documents 2007/4 Income and consumption
Matrix oriented formulae of dynamic multipliers in general autoregressive distributed lag and VARX models Documents 2007/3 National accounts and business cycles