Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Cross border flows of compensation of employees in the Norwegian National accounts and balance of payments Documents 2007/2 National accounts and business cycles
Water use in mining, quarrying and manufacturing industries: a pilot study Documents 2007/16 Nature and the environment
Labour Force Survey non-response in relation to immigrant origin: some results from the period 2000-2005 Documents 2007/15 Labour market and earnings
The 2007/8 Malawi budget: macroeconomic implications Documents 2007/14 National accounts and business cycles
Development of a variable documentation system in Statistics Norway: Eurostat, Metadata Working Group Luxembourg, 7-8 June Documents 2007/13 Population
Quality report on the structural business statistics for Nace section F, G, H, I and K with reference year 2004 Documents 2007/12 Construction, housing and property
Statistics Norway's dissemination policy: April 2007 Documents 2007/10 Population
Differences between SNA93 and ESA95: an attempt to update a study from 1997 in view of developments that have taken place in Europe in period 1997-2006 as related to ESA95 Documents 2007/1 National accounts and business cycles
Compendium from workshop on light core surveys for policy monitoring of national PRSPs and MDGs in Maputo, December 2005 Documents 2006/9 Income and consumption
User's guide for a macroeconomic model for Malawi: version 1, may 2006 Documents 2006/8 National accounts and business cycles
Methane emissions from Norwegian landfills: revised calculations for waste landfilled 1945-2004 Documents 2006/7 Nature and the environment
Systematic quality work in official statistics: theory and practice Documents 2006/6 Population
Statistical metadata in Statistics Norway Documents 2006/5 Population
Translating and testing the European health status module in Norway, 2005 Documents 2006/4 Health
A small macroeconomic model for Malawi Documents 2006/3 National accounts and business cycles