Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Environmental protection expenditure: methodological work for the oil and gas extraction industry (NACE 11) and preliminary figures for 2002 for the manufacturing, mining, quarrying and steam and hot water supply industries in Norway : report to Eurostat Documents 2005/3 Nature and the environment
The population and housing census handbook 2001 Documents 2005/2 Population
Selected documents on the modernisation of the Civil Registration System in Albania: vol. II Documents 2005/14 Population
Pilot study: treatment of hazardous waste : final report to EUROSTAT Documents 2005/13 Nature and the environment
Statistics on pre-treatment of waste: pilot study - Norway 2004 Documents 2005/12 Nature and the environment
Energy and poverty: a feasibility study on statistics on access and use of energy in Uganda Documents 2005/11 Energy and manufacturing
Modeling Norwegian balances of financial capital Documents 2005/10 Banking and financial markets
The impact of a lower school leaving age and a later retirement on the financing of the Norwegian public pension system Documents 2005/1 Public sector
Report on the project quality adjusted input price indices for collective services in the Norwegian national accounts: report from a project co-financed by Eurostat Documents 2004/9 National accounts and business cycles
Norwegian experiences on treatment of changes in methodologies and classifications when compiling long time series of national accounts Documents 2004/8 National accounts and business cycles
Collecting data on wages for the labour force survey: a pilot Documents 2004/7 Labour market and earnings
Statistical metadata on the Internet revisited Documents 2004/6 Population
The petroleum business environment: a reader's digest Documents 2004/5 Energy and manufacturing
Statistics for development, policy and democracy Documents 2004/4 National accounts and business cycles
Non-response in the Norwegian business tendency survey Documents 2004/3 Energy and manufacturing