Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Selected documents on the modernisation of the Civil Registration System in Albania Documents 2004/2 Population
Seasonal adjustment and smoothing of manufacturing investments series from the quarterly Norwegian national accounts Documents 2004/18 National accounts and business cycles
A Sustainable household survey based poverty monitoring system: a poverty monitoring system based upon household survey estimation of total comsumption : a preliminary paper asking for cooperation Documents 2004/17 Income and consumption
Documentation of the capital database: a database with data for tangible fixed assets and other economic data at the firm level Documents 2004/16 Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Compilation of data on expenditure in environmental protection by businesses: report to the European Commission DG for Environment Documents 2004/15 Nature and the environment
Development of a variables documentation system in Statistics Norway: International Statistical Conference "Investment in the future", Prague, Czech Republic, 6-7 September 2004 Documents 2004/14 Population
Regional electricity spot price responses in Norway Documents 2004/13 Energy and manufacturing
Neighbourhood sonoscapes: context sensitive noise impact mapping Documents 2004/12 Nature and the environment
Quality and metadata in Statistics Norway Documents 2004/11 Population
Uncertainty in the Norwegian business tendency survey Documents 2004/10 Energy and manufacturing
Indicators for democratic debate: informing the public at general elections Documents 2004/1 Elections
Exploring the change in skill structure of labour demand in Norwegian manufacturing Documents 2003/9 Labour market and earnings
Energy consumption in the services sector. 2000 Documents 2003/8 Energy and manufacturing
Continuing vocational training survey (CVTS2): quality report for Norway Documents 2003/7 Education
Use of HBS-data for estimating household final consumption final paper from the project: paper building on the work done in the Eurostat Task Force 2002 Documents 2003/6 Income and consumption