Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Norwegian Economic and Environment Accounts (NOREEA): project report - 2001 Documents 2002/15 Nature and the environment
Causality in macroeconomics: identifying causal relationships from policy instruments to target variables Documents 2002/14 National accounts and business cycles
Private investments in Norway and the user cost of capital Documents 2002/13 Banking and financial markets
Distributional effects of household electricity taxation Documents 2002/12 Energy and manufacturing
An introductory guide to the economics of sustainable tourism Documents 2002/11 Transport and tourism
Philosophical issues concerning applied cost-benefit analysis Documents 2002/10 Public sector
Comparisons between two calculation methods: LCA using EPIS-data and input-output analysis using Norway's NAMEA-air data Documents 2002/1 Nature and the environment
Employment in the Norwegian national accounts Documents 2001/9 National accounts and business cycles
Project: Quality of manufacturing statistics and evaluation of methods for producing preliminary and final figures : final report Documents 2001/8 Energy and manufacturing
Comparability of income data: project report Documents 2001/7 Income and consumption
Quality issues in Statistics Norway Documents 2001/6 Prices and price indices
Strategic planning and management in Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Mozambique: short term mission report, November 2-9, 2000 Documents 2001/5 National accounts and business cycles
User costs of real capital Documents 2001/4 Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Towards a national indicator for noise exposure and annoyance Documents 2001/3 Nature and the environment
Norwegian economic and environment accounts (NOREEA phase 2) project: 2000 final report to Eurostat Documents 2001/2 Nature and the environment