Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
GIS-projects in Statistics Norway: 2000/2001 Documents 2001/16 Nature and the environment
Bridging the gap between micro and macro: interdependence, contagious beliefs and consumer confidence Documents 2001/15 National accounts and business cycles
CO2 emission estimates for Norway: methodological difficulties Documents 2001/14 Nature and the environment
Appraisal of the birth and death registration project in Bangladesh Documents 2001/13 Population
Environmental pressure information systems (EPIS) for the household sector in Norway Documents 2001/12 Nature and the environment
Strategic planning and management in Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Mozambique: short term mission report, August 27 - September 6, 2001 Documents 2001/11 National accounts and business cycles
Nordic economic growth in light of new theory: overoptimism about R&D and human capital? Documents 2001/10 Technology and innovation
The ISM model: a CGE model for the Icelandic economy Documents 2001/1 Nature and the environment
The consumer price index of Mozambique: a short term mission 13-31 March 2000 Documents 2000/9 Prices and price indices
Industrial benefits and costs of greenhouse gas abatement strategies: applications of E3ME Documents 2000/7 Nature and the environment
Industrial benefits and costs of greenhouse gas abatement strategies: applications of E3ME Documents 2000/6 Nature and the environment
The role of subcontracting in the production system Documents 2000/5 Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Chemicals in Environmental pressure information system (EPIS) Documents 2000/4 Nature and the environment
Environmental pressure information system (EPIS) for the pulp and paper industry in Norway Documents 2000/3 Nature and the environment
The use of household welfare functions to estimate equivalence scales Documents 2000/16 Income and consumption